Baby Boy Names in Marathi 2023 with Meanings

Baby Boy Names in Marathi 2023 with Meanings

If you’re eagerly awaiting the arrival of a baby boy in your family in 2023 and want to give him a meaningful and culturally rich Marathi name, you’ve come to the right place. In Marathi culture, naming a child is a significant and joyous occasion. It’s important to choose a name that carries a beautiful meaning and reflects the cultural heritage of Maharashtra. Here, we’ve compiled a list of 100 Marathi baby boy names for 2023, along with their meanings, to help you make the perfect choice for your little one.

Aadi (आदी)  Aadi signifies ‘beginning’ or ‘first,’ emphasizing the concept of starting anew.
Aarav (आरव)  Meaning ‘peaceful’ or ‘calm,’ Aarav is a popular name that reflects the tranquility of a newborn.
Aarush (आरुष)  This name means ‘first ray of the sun,’ indicating the start of something new and positive.
Abhinav (अभिनव)  This name means ‘new’ or ‘innovative,’ symbolizing the beginning of a new life.
Adhrit (आधृत)  Adhrit means ‘supporter’ or ‘protector,’ highlighting the role of a caregiver.
Aditya (आदित्य)  Aditya is a name that refers to the ‘Sun,’ signifying a bright and radiant future.
Advait (अद्वैत)  Meaning ‘unique’ or ‘one of a kind,’ Advait is a name that celebrates individuality.
Advay (अद्वय)  Meaning ‘unique’ or ‘one of a kind,’ Advay reflects the individuality of your child.
Akshay (अक्षय)  This name signifies ‘indestructible’ and ‘eternal,’ denoting the eternal bond between a child and their parents.
Amogh (अमोघ)  Amogh means ‘infinite’ or ‘immeasurable,’ celebrating boundless potential.
Aniket (अनिकेत)  Signifying ‘homeless’ or ‘unconstrained,’ Aniket encourages the idea of being free-spirited.
Anshul (अंशुल)  This name means ‘radiant’ or ‘bright,’ emphasizing the positivity a child brings.
Aryan (आर्यन)  Aryan means ‘noble’ and ‘honorable,’ reflecting the virtues you hope your child will possess.
Atharva (आथर्व)  Meaning ‘sacred knowledge’ or ‘Vedic wisdom,’ Atharva is deeply rooted in Indian culture.
Ayush (आयुष)  Ayush signifies ‘long life’ or ‘immortality,’ symbolizing the wish for a healthy and prosperous life.
Bhavesh (भावेश)  Bhavesh represents ‘lord of sentiment’ or ’emotions,’ reflecting empathy and understanding.
Chetan (चेतन)  Chetan signifies ‘conscious’ or ‘aware,’ emphasizing awareness and mindfulness.
Chirag (चिराग)  Chirag signifies ‘lamp’ or ‘light,’ symbolizing illumination and enlightenment.
Darshan (दर्शन)  Darshan means ‘vision’ or ‘philosophy,’ celebrating the power of insight.
Devansh (देवांश)  This name means ‘part of God’ or ‘divine,’ reflecting the idea of a divine connection.
Dhiraj (धीरज)  Dhiraj signifies ‘patience’ and ‘fortitude,’ celebrating the virtue of endurance.
Dhruv (ध्रुव)  Dhruv signifies ‘constant’ or ‘steadfast,’ conveying the idea of unwavering commitment.
Divyansh (दिव्यांश)  This name means ‘divine part’ or ‘godly,’ reflecting the idea of a divine presence.
Eeshan (ईशान)  Eeshan represents ‘Lord Shiva’ or ‘the Sun,’ signifying a connection to the divine.
Eklavya (एकलव्य)  Named after a character from the Mahabharata, Eklavya represents ‘solo’ or ‘independent.’
Gagan (गगन)  Gagan signifies ‘sky’ or ‘heaven,’ celebrating the vast possibilities in life.
Gaurav (गौरव)  Gaurav signifies ‘pride’ or ‘honor,’ reflecting the pride and joy your child brings.
Gautam (गौतम)  Meaning ‘one who has reached the highest,’ Gautam represents the achievement of spiritual enlightenment.
Govind (गोविंद)  Named after Lord Krishna, Govind represents ‘protector of cows’ and ‘divine guide.’
Gyan (ज्ञान)  Gyan signifies ‘knowledge’ or ‘wisdom,’ reflecting the importance of education.
Harsh (हर्ष)  Harsh translates to ‘joy’ or ‘happiness,’ symbolizing the joy a child brings to a family.
Harshit (हर्षित)  Harshit means ‘happy’ or ‘joyful,’ symbolizing the happiness your child brings.
Hitansh (हितांश)  This name means ‘good-hearted’ or ‘kind,’ emphasizing the importance of a compassionate nature.
Hiten (हितेन)  Hiten means ‘heart’ or ‘soul,’ emphasizing the depth of emotions.
Hrishikesh (हृषिकेश)  Named after Lord Krishna, Hrishikesh represents ‘lord of the senses’ and ‘spiritual guide.’
Ishaan (ईशान)  Signifying ‘the Sun,’ Ishaan represents warmth and positivity.
Jagan (जगन)  Jagan signifies ‘world’ or ‘universe,’ reflecting the vastness of life.
Jagdish (जगदीश)  Jagdish signifies ‘lord of the universe,’ reflecting the idea of a higher power.
Jai (जय)  Jai means ‘victory’ or ‘success,’ emphasizing the triumphs you wish for your child.
Jayant (जयंत)  Named after Lord Vishnu, Jayant represents ‘victorious’ or ‘conqueror.’
Karan (करण)  Karan means ‘ear’ or ‘ear of grain,’ symbolizing growth and prosperity.
Kedar (केदार)  Kedar means ‘a type of bird’ and reflects nature’s beauty and grace.
Keshav (केशव)  Named after Lord Krishna, Keshav represents ‘long-haired’ or ‘handsome.’
Kunal (कुणाल)  Kunal signifies ‘lotus’ or ‘a symbol of purity,’ reflecting the hope for a pure and unblemished life.
Lakshman (लक्ष्मण)  Named after Lord Rama’s brother, Lakshman signifies ‘fortunate’ or ‘lucky.’
Lakshya (लक्ष्य)  Meaning ‘target’ or ‘goal,’ Lakshya symbolizes the aspirations and objectives you have for your child.
Lohit (लोहित)  Lohit means ‘red’ or ‘blood,’ symbolizing vitality and energy.
Lokesh (लोकेश)  Lokesh means ‘lord of the world’ or ‘ruler,’ emphasizing leadership qualities.
Luv (लव)  Luv signifies ‘son of Lord Rama’ and is a name deeply rooted in Indian mythology.
Madhav (माधव)  Named after Lord Krishna, Madhav represents ‘sweet’ or ‘melodious,’ signifying the joy a child brings.
Mahesh (महेश)  Mahesh signifies ‘great lord’ or ‘Shiva,’ reflecting the divine aspect of your child.
Manas (मानस)  Manas represents ‘mind’ or ‘thought,’ reflecting the importance of a thoughtful and considerate nature.
Mihir (मिहिर)  Meaning ‘Sun’ or ‘sunbeam,’ Mihir represents the light and energy a child brings into your life.
Mitul (मितुल)  Mitul signifies ‘friend’ or ‘companion,’ reflecting the importance of friendship.
Naksh (नक्ष)  Naksh signifies ‘beautiful’ or ‘attractive,’ celebrating the beauty in your child’s presence.
Nakul (नकुल)  Nakul is named after one of the Pandavas, symbolizing ‘healthy’ and ‘strong.’
Nandan (नंदन)  This name means ‘son’ or ‘delight,’ celebrating the joy and delight a child brings.
Neeraj (नीरज)  Neeraj means ‘lotus’ or ‘born in water,’ celebrating purity and birth.
Neil (नील)  Neil is a name that signifies ‘champion’ or ‘winner,’ reflecting the hopes for your child’s success.
Omkar (ओंकार)  Omkar is associated with the sacred sound ‘Om’ and represents spirituality.
Parth (पार्थ)  Parth is named after Arjuna, symbolizing ‘warrior’ and ‘courage.’
Pavan (पावन)  Meaning ‘pure’ or ‘sacred,’ Pavan emphasizes the importance of purity in one’s life.
Pranav (प्रणव)  Meaning ‘sacred syllable Om,’ Pranav is a name that emphasizes spirituality and devotion.
Pratham (प्रथम)  Pratham signifies ‘first’ or ‘beginning,’ reflecting the start of a new journey.
Pratyush (प्रत्युष)  Pratyush signifies ‘dawn’ or ‘morning,’ reflecting the idea of a new beginning.
Raahi (राही)  Raahi means ‘traveler’ or ‘explorer,’ emphasizing the spirit of adventure.
Rahil (राहिल)  Rahil signifies ‘innocent’ or ‘pure-hearted,’ reflecting the child’s purity and innocence.
Rahul (राहुल)  Rahul means ‘conqueror of all miseries’ or ‘efficient,’ highlighting the idea of triumph over difficulties.
Rishi (रिशी)  Rishi signifies ‘sage’ or ‘wise person,’ reflecting the hope for wisdom and intelligence.
Sameer (समीर)  Sameer means ‘breeze’ or ‘wind,’ symbolizing a calming presence.
Samir (समीर)  This name means ‘breeze’ or ‘wind,’ representing a gentle and soothing presence.
Sanjay (संजय)  Named after a character from the Mahabharata, Sanjay represents ‘triumphant’ or ‘victorious.’
Shlok (श्लोक)  This name means ‘verse’ or ‘sacred text,’ reflecting cultural significance.
Tanay (तनय)  Tanay signifies ‘son’ or ‘offspring,’ celebrating the arrival of a new family member.
Tanmay (तन्मय)  Tanmay signifies ‘absorbed’ or ‘engrossed,’ reflecting the depth of thought and contemplation.
Tejas (तेजस)  Tejas signifies ‘brilliance’ and ‘radiance,’ celebrating the brightness a child brings into your life.
Uddhav (उद्धव)  Named after a friend of Lord Krishna, Uddhav represents ‘devoted’ and ‘loyal.’
Ujjwal (उज्ज्वल)  Meaning ‘bright’ or ‘shining,’ Ujjwal emphasizes the hope for a bright future.
Vaibhav (वैभव)  Vaibhav means ‘prosperity’ or ‘wealth,’ reflecting the wish for a prosperous life.
Varun (वरुण)  Varun means ‘lord of the sea’ and reflects the vastness and depth of life.
Vatsal (वत्सल)  Meaning ‘affectionate’ or ‘loving,’ Vatsal emphasizes the importance of love in a child’s life.
Virat (विराट)  Named after the great Indian cricketer, Virat represents ‘giant’ or ‘huge,’ emphasizing strength.
Yash (यश)  Yash means ‘glory’ or ‘fame,’ celebrating the potential for greatness in your child.
Yug (युग)  Yug signifies ‘era’ or ‘age,’ symbolizing the idea of a new phase in life.
Yuvan (युवान)  Yuvan means ‘young’ or ‘youthful,’ reflecting the energy and vibrancy of youth.
Yuvraj (युवराज)  Yuvraj signifies ‘prince’ or ‘young king,’ celebrating the regal qualities in your child.
Zenith (जेनिथ)  Zenith signifies ‘highest point’ or ‘peak,’ highlighting the hope for your child’s achievements.


Choosing the perfect name for your baby boy is a cherished moment in Marathi culture. The names listed above not only carry profound meanings but also reflect the cultural richness of Maharashtra. May your little one’s name bring joy, happiness, and prosperity to your family. As you embark on this beautiful journey of parenthood, remember that the name you choose is a gift that will stay with your child for a lifetime.


Q1. Can I choose a name that is not on this list for my baby boy in Marathi culture?

Absolutely! While this list provides a wide range of meaningful Marathi names, you are not limited to these options. Feel free to choose a name that resonates with you and your family’s values, beliefs, and aspirations.

Q2. What are the essential factors to consider when naming a baby in Marathi culture?

When choosing a name, consider its meaning, cultural significance, and how it sounds with your last name. It’s also essential to ensure that the name is easy to pronounce and doesn’t hold any negative connotations in the Marathi language.

Q3. Are there any naming ceremonies or traditions in Marathi culture?

Yes, Marathi culture has a naming ceremony known as ‘Namkaran,’ which is typically held on the 12th day, 18th day, or 27th day after a child’s birth. During this ceremony, a priest suggests a name based on the child’s horoscope, and the family chooses a suitable name.

Q4. Can I choose a name from another Indian culture for my Marathi baby boy?

Yes, you can certainly choose a name from another Indian culture, but it’s essential to ensure that the name’s pronunciation and meaning align with your Marathi traditions and beliefs.

Q5. What is the significance of a meaningful name in Marathi culture?

In Marathi culture, a meaningful name is believed to shape a child’s destiny and character. It is a source of pride and identity, connecting the child to their roots and heritage.

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