4-Letter Marathi Boy Names with Meanings

4-Letter Marathi Boy Names with Meanings

When it comes to naming your baby, Marathi culture offers a rich tapestry of beautiful and meaningful names. Four-letter boy names in Marathi are not only short and sweet but also carry deep significance. In this article, we’ll explore 100 such names along with their meanings to help you find the perfect name for your little one.

Aadi (आदि)  Meaning ‘the beginning’, Aadi is a popular choice symbolizing the start of a new journey.
Alok (आलोक)  Alok translates to ‘light’, reflecting the brightness your child brings into your life.
Amar (अमर)  Amar means ‘immortal’ and signifies everlasting strength and vitality.
Amey (आमेय)  Amey means ‘infinite’ or ‘immeasurable,’ symbolizing boundless possibilities.
Anik (अनिक)  This name means ‘unique’ and celebrates the individuality of your child.
Arun (अरुण)  Arun represents the ‘rising sun,’ emphasizing hope and new beginnings.
Arun (अरुण)  Arun represents the ‘rising sun,’ emphasizing hope and new beginnings.
Aryan (आर्यन)  Aryan means ‘noble,’ symbolizing dignity and honor.
Avin (अविन)  Signifying ‘humble’, Avin represents the virtue of modesty.
Bala (बाळ)  Bala means ‘young’ or ‘child,’ celebrating the innocence of childhood.
Bala (बाळ)  Bala means ‘young’ or ‘child,’ celebrating the innocence of childhood.
Bhava (भाव)  Bhava represents ‘feelings’ and emphasizes emotions and sentiment.
Biju (बिजु)  Biju signifies ‘seed,’ celebrating the potential for growth and development.
Charu (चारु)  Charu means ‘beautiful’ or ‘attractive,’ celebrating physical and inner beauty.
Chet (चेत)  Signifying ‘consciousness,’ Chet reflects mindfulness and awareness.
Chet (चेत)  Signifying ‘consciousness,’ Chet reflects mindfulness and awareness.
Chiru (चिरु)  Chiru means ‘small’ or ‘tiny,’ highlighting the preciousness of childhood.
Deep (दीप)  Deep stands for ‘lamp’ or ‘light,’ symbolizing enlightenment.
Deva (देव)  Deva means ‘God’ and signifies divine blessings.
Dhir (धीर)  Dhir means ‘calm’ or ‘composed,’ symbolizing inner serenity.
Dhir (धीर)  Dhir means ‘calm’ or ‘composed,’ symbolizing inner serenity.
Dinesh (दिनेश)  Dinesh signifies ‘Lord of the day (Sun),’ symbolizing radiance and warmth.
Ditya (दित्य)  Ditya represents ‘daughter of the Sun,’ symbolizing grace and beauty.
Ekansh (एकांश)  Meaning ‘a part of one,’ Ekansh celebrates unity and harmony.
Ganesh (गणेश)  Ganesh represents ‘Lord Ganesha,’ celebrating wisdom and success.
Gaur (गौर)  Meaning ‘pride,’ Gaur celebrates the sense of self-worth.
Ghan (घण)  This name signifies ‘dense’ or ‘intense,’ reflecting strength and solidity.
Ghan (घण)  This name signifies ‘dense’ or ‘intense,’ reflecting strength and solidity.
Gyaan (ज्ञान)  Gyaan means ‘knowledge,’ emphasizing wisdom and learning.
Hari (हरि)  Hari represents ‘Lord Vishnu,’ highlighting divine grace and protection.
Harsh (हर्ष)  Harsh signifies ‘joy’ and celebrates the happiness your child brings.
Hemal (हेमल)  Hemal means ‘golden,’ symbolizing richness and prosperity.
Iksha (इक्षा)  Iksha means ‘sight’ or ‘vision,’ symbolizing clarity and perspective.
Ishaan (ईशान)  Ishaan signifies ‘Lord Shiva,’ emphasizing spirituality and devotion.
Ishi (इशि)  Ishi means ‘desire,’ celebrating the aspirations of your child.
Ishi (इशि)  Ishi means ‘desire,’ celebrating the aspirations of your child.
Jai (जय)  Jai stands for ‘victory,’ emphasizing success and triumph.
Jaide (जयदे)  Jaide represents ‘victorious,’ emphasizing the success of your child.
Jayan (जयन)  Jayan means ‘victorious,’ celebrating success and triumph.
Jina (जिणा)  Jina represents ‘victorious,’ emphasizing success and achievement.
Jina (जिणा)  Jina represents ‘victorious,’ emphasizing success and achievement.
Kavi (कवि)  Kavi translates to ‘poet,’ honoring creativity and expression.
Kesh (केश)  Kesh translates to ‘long hair,’ symbolizing beauty and elegance.
Kesh (केश)  Kesh translates to ‘long hair,’ symbolizing beauty and elegance.
Ketan (केतन)  Ketan represents ‘home,’ symbolizing security and comfort.
Kunal (कुणाल)  Kunal signifies ‘lotus,’ symbolizing purity and enlightenment.
Laksh (लक्ष)  Laksh means ‘goal’ or ‘aim,’ emphasizing aspirations and achievements.
Lalit (ललित)  Lalit means ‘charming’ and celebrates the beauty of your child.
Lavan (लवण)  Lavan means ‘salt,’ celebrating the essence and flavor your child adds to your life.
Lina (लीन)  Meaning ‘absorbed’ or ‘merged,’ Lina signifies unity and harmony.
Lina (लीन)  Meaning ‘absorbed’ or ‘merged,’ Lina signifies unity and harmony.
Madan (मदन)  Madan signifies ‘Cupid,’ symbolizing love and affection.
Mira (मीरा)  Mira stands for ‘prosperous’ or ‘abundant,’ reflecting a rich life.
Mira (मीरा)  Mira stands for ‘prosperous’ or ‘abundant,’ reflecting a rich life.
Mohn (मोहन)  Signifying ‘charming’ or ‘enchanting,’ Mohn reflects your child’s captivating personality.
Mudit (मुदित)  Mudit represents ‘happy’ and emphasizes the joy and contentment your child brings.
Naman (नमन)  Naman means ‘salutation’ or ‘respect,’ symbolizing honor and reverence.
Naren (नरेन)  Naren means ‘man’ or ‘hero,’ celebrating strength and courage.
Neel (नील)  Signifying ‘blue,’ Neel celebrates the vastness and depth of life.
Neel (नील)  Signifying ‘blue,’ Neel celebrates the vastness and depth of life
Nish (निश)  Nish means ‘night,’ symbolizing tranquility and peace.
Ojas (ओजस)  Ojas means ‘strength’ or ‘energy,’ emphasizing vitality.
Ojas (ओजस)  Ojas means ‘strength’ or ‘energy,’ emphasizing vitality.
Omka (ओंकार)  Omka represents ‘Lord Shiva’ and signifies spiritual devotion.
Omkar (ओंकार)  Omkar represents the divine sound ‘Om,’ symbolizing spirituality and devotion.
Oorja (ऊर्जा)  Oorja represents ‘energy,’ emphasizing vitality and spirit.
Parth (पार्थ)  Parth signifies ‘Prince Arjuna,’ celebrating heroism and bravery.
Pran (प्राण)  Pran represents ‘life’ or ‘soul,’ symbolizing the essence of existence.
Pran (प्राण)  Pran represents ‘life’ or ‘soul,’ symbolizing the essence of existence.
Praty (प्रति)  Praty means ‘opposite’ or ‘against,’ symbolizing balance and harmony.
Raja (राजा)  Raja signifies ‘king,’ honoring regal qualities.
Raja (राजा)  Raja signifies ‘king,’ honoring regal qualities.
Rajat (रजत)  Rajat means ‘silver,’ symbolizing preciousness and value.
Ravi (रवि)  Ravi means ‘sun’ and symbolizes warmth and radiance.
Romen (रोमेन)  Romen signifies ‘peace’ and emphasizes tranquility and calm.
Sami (समी)  This name signifies ‘elevated’ or ‘sublime,’ reflecting a noble nature.
Shlok (श्लोक)  Shlok stands for ‘hymn’ or ‘verse,’ emphasizing the beauty of words and expression.
Shrey (श्रेय)  Shrey means ‘glory’ and celebrates the honor and recognition your child will earn.
Shri (श्री)  This name represents ‘auspicious,’ celebrating the blessings in life.
Shri (श्री)  This name represents ‘auspicious,’ celebrating the blessings in life.
Taha (तहा)  Taha means ‘pure’ or ‘clean,’ symbolizing innocence and purity.
Taha (तहा)  Taha means ‘pure’ or ‘clean,’ symbolizing innocence and purity.
Tejas (तेजस)  Tejas signifies ‘brightness’ or ‘radiance,’ symbolizing the light within your child.
Tush (तुष)  Tush stands for ‘content,’ emphasizing happiness and satisfaction.
Uday (उदय)  Uday translates to ‘sunrise,’ symbolizing the dawn of a new day.
Uday (उदय)  Uday translates to ‘sunrise,’ symbolizing the dawn of a new day.
Ujal (उजल)  Ujal means ‘bright’ or ‘radiant,’ reflecting the child’s positive energy.
Utkar (उत्कर)  Utkar means ‘prosperity,’ celebrating the abundance and success in life.
Vayu (वायु)  Vayu signifies ‘wind,’ symbolizing freedom and movement.
Vicky (विकी)  Vicky is a modern name that reflects ‘victory,’ emphasizing success and achievement.
Vira (वीर)  Meaning ‘brave,’ Vira celebrates courage and valor.
Vira (वीर)  Meaning ‘brave,’ Vira celebrates courage and valor.
Yaman (यमन)  Yaman represents ‘lord of death,’ symbolizing the cycle of life and death.
Yash (यश)  Yash signifies ‘fame’ and honors the recognition of your child’s achievements.
Yash (यश)  Yash signifies ‘fame’ and honors the recognition of your child’s achievements.
Yogi (योगी)  Meaning ‘sage’ or ‘spiritual seeker,’ Yogi celebrates wisdom and enlightenment.
Zank (झंक)  Zank represents ‘joy’ and emphasizes happiness and contentment.
Zara (झरा)  This name means ‘shining light,’ symbolizing the brightness of your child’s presence.
Zara (झरा)  This name means ‘shining light,’ symbolizing the brightness of your child’s presence.
Zayal (झयल)  Zayal signifies ‘winner’ or ‘conqueror,’ celebrating the victories in life.


Choosing a name for your child is a significant decision that reflects your cultural heritage and the hopes you have for their future. These 100 four-letter Marathi boy names come with beautiful meanings that encompass virtues, blessings, and aspirations. Each name carries a piece of Marathi culture, making it a wonderful choice for your baby.


Are these names commonly used in Marathi culture?

Yes, these names are commonly used in Marathi culture and carry deep cultural significance.

Can I use these names for children of any age?

Yes, these names are suitable for children of all ages and represent timeless virtues.

What should I consider when choosing a name for my child?

When choosing a name, consider its meaning, cultural significance, and how it resonates with your family values. Make sure it’s easy to pronounce and spell as well.

How can I find more Marathi boy names with meanings?

You can consult Marathi baby name books, online resources, or seek advice from elders in your family for more options.

Remember, the name you choose for your child will be a part of their identity for life, so choose one that carries a special meaning and significance for your family.

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